Posts in personal growth
10 Things to Know When on a Spiritual Journey

Knowing the outcome before doing anything off cuff is something you might wish to be your superpower, but the moment you drop the overwhelming need to “know” or have all of the answers when soul seeking is the moment you open yourself up to universal wisdom and boundless peace.

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Reclaim Your Why™

We spend the majority of our lives tied to social standards, the perception of time, routines, jobs, expectations, misplaced traumas, fears and motivations. Some call it a vortex or a ‘matrix’ of sorts. Most of us cope as waking zombies, separated from our souls and painfully wondering how to break free from the matrix, if we even can, and what life outside of it would even entail. I'm here to tell you that life outside of the vortex is whatever you make of it. It’s led by your soul and molded by your own sense of oneness.

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