Posts in intentional living
Why Empathy Matters: Healing the Divine Masculine & Feminine

Now being in between two worlds, we’re tasked with witnessing the long-lasting impacts of the individualistic motives and ways of the past in order to raise the vibration of our planet by piercing the veil of apathy.

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How to Practice Conscious Consumption

The act of conscious consumption is but a branch of mindful living that demands personal responsibility, but what is it? From media to diet and purchasing decisions, we invite you to explore the topic with us, and to connect with resources that inspire changemakers everywhere consume and create with care.

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What's Keeping You from Your TRUE Calling? 3 Tips to Finally Take the Leap!

Sometimes getting out of your head and out of your own way can be the biggest hurdle or mountain to climb, but what if doing so was your key out of the matrix? Would you take the leap to answer your true calling then?

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Finding Purpose in the New Era

In this day in age, spirituality is coming more to the forefront. It can seem like a trendy wave to ride, but when intuitively pursued, reconnecting with the universe and authentic self can reap plenty of rewards. One of those rewards being the discovery of your dharma, or true life purpose.

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Reclaim Your Why™

We spend the majority of our lives tied to social standards, the perception of time, routines, jobs, expectations, misplaced traumas, fears and motivations. Some call it a vortex or a ‘matrix’ of sorts. Most of us cope as waking zombies, separated from our souls and painfully wondering how to break free from the matrix, if we even can, and what life outside of it would even entail. I'm here to tell you that life outside of the vortex is whatever you make of it. It’s led by your soul and molded by your own sense of oneness.

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