Who We Are


We are all Beloved. We are all alchemists, holding space for wellness.

Alchemy is defined as a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or the combination. Black and Brown folks have learned how to be alchemists over hundreds of years, rising above their circumstances to turn generational trauma into power.



A world enriched by non-judgment.

We want to see a world where Black and Brown folks don’t feel powerless to oppression and are empowered enough to end cycles of self-betrayal. intersectional healing, wellness, peace, justice, and


Healing is a collective effort and collaborative experience.

We connect Black and Brown folks with the resources they need to start or expand their healing journey. In this digital age, marginalized people are connecting more than ever. As a digital resource hub, we provide a catalog of socially conscious resources and self-healing offerings that are driven by our shared challenges. Self-healers, practitioners, and organizations are encouraged to share resources that pay it forward. Visitors in our spaces are encouraged to be respectful, recommend resources, and lend an empathetic ear.