Reclaim Your Why™

Reclaim Your Why™

We spend the majority of our lives tied to social standards, the perception of time, routines, jobs, expectations, misplaced traumas, fears, and motivations. Some call it a vortex or a ‘matrix’ of sorts. Most of us cope as waking zombies, separated from our souls and painfully wondering how to break free from the matrix, if we even can, and what life outside of it would even entail. I'm here to tell you that life outside of the vortex is whatever you make of it. It’s led by your soul and molded by your own sense of oneness.


23 Sep 2019


Personal Growth

Intentional Living



What’s your Divine purpose?





Have you ever looked out into the sky and felt so connected to everything? Everyone, every star, every atom, every feeling, every perspective? Not in a way that’s overwhelming, but rather relieving? Relieving because you know that to be in a time, world, and universe so big, that would mean your presence in it has meaning — has purpose?

We spend the majority of our lives tied to social standards, the perception of time, routines, jobs, expectations, misplaced traumas, fears, and motivations. Some call it a vortex or a ‘matrix’ of sorts — in it, we feel there is no other means of survival besides conforming. We travel through this vortex feeling trapped by our experiences in it, often feeling there is no escape and nothing else outside of it.

So most of us cope as waking zombies, separated from our souls — its desires and true purpose. And when you reach a point so low in the addictions, coping, defense mechanisms, and programming, you begin spinning with the vortex. Wherever it goes, you follow it. Wherever it crashes, you absorb the blow, full force as if it were your own. All the while, painfully wondering how you are going to break free or if you even can — how outlandish of an idea?! Is something like that even possible? What happens if you do find a way out somehow? What would life outside of the matrix even entail?

Well, Beloved, it entails all of you. Life outside of the vortex is whatever you make of it. It’s led by your soul and molded by your own sense of oneness.

Even as I write this now, afraid of the unknowns and on the verge of escaping the physical plane myself, you owe it to yourself to try. You are worth it. To have and embrace freedom—true bliss—guided from within and protected by the heart. You are not only worthy but deserving. It is your destiny. The matrix is here for a reason, and we are all in it for a reason. Our purpose lies within the why.

So, what is it that you picture when you stare up at the sky on a crisp, fall day? Do you notice the leaves on the trees swaying above you? Do you acknowledge the ocean waves singing to you with each pull of the tides? When you breathe in unison with the frolicking winds, what is it you hope for? Where does your heart take you, Beloved? What is your why?

Those butterflies dancing in the pit of your stomach don’t dance for amusement. They dance because they are alive. They know the truth. They know what it’s like to be trapped in darkness, anticipating that one moment—the only chance they will ever get to escape into the light. They trust in the power of their wings, Beloved. Soaring amongst the clouds, amidst the rippling sunlight, and unto unbelievable heights is all they know. Born out of resilience, they are beings of pure grace: shedding the memories of their own confines with each and every flight. Speaking unto no one the truth behind every transformation: Growing pains are not for nothing, Beloved.

When will you believe in the beauty of your own strength? Your own capability to love and live from love? The love of self, the unknown, the freedom of stillness, the embodiment of everything and nothing—your sacred truth? When will you let uncaged desire pilot your flight?

Welcome to Project Alchimie

Where we share to heal.

Where union of self unifies the collective.

Where we are all Beloved.

Thank you for being the best part of the journey. Nothing happens by chance, Beloved. You are here for a reason, so let that notion be a comforting lighthouse amidst uncharted waters.

Journey with Us—Be the Alchemist. Watch our Welcome Video. Reclaim Your Why™. Join the Tribe. Inspire Social Change.