Post Your Website Resource Ad

Post Your Website Resource Ad


Inform others about your healing mission or service through our Resource Library. Before checkout, include the title of your resource, 2-3 sentences describing it, and your resource link. *Please indicate with <brackets> where you want your <link> to appear. Then, watch your ad go live with our weekly website updates. Purchase your ad before 12 PM PST for your resource to be included in our Wednesday web updates. Click through the images to see what your ad would look like.

Accepted ads:

• Nonprofit Organizations

• Wellness, Mental Health, and other Socially-Responsible Organizations

• Conscious Businesses and Petitions

• Community-Inspired Virtual and IRL Events

• Books, Videos, Podcasts, and Other Media

• Social Justice and Inclusive Jobs/Job Boards

• Mindful Art, Apps, Platforms

• Resource Hubs and Newsletter Lists

• Practitioners and Services

• Websites and Social Accounts

• Conscious Artists, Creatives, Thought Leaders

Due to their sensitive nature, we do not accept ads for web guides, rehab centers, or cryptocurrency.

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