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Why Empathy Matters: Healing the Divine Masculine & Feminine

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Now being in between two worlds, we’re tasked with witnessing the long-lasting impacts of the individualistic motives and ways of the past in order to raise the vibration of our planet by piercing the veil of apathy.


16 Sep 2021


Intentional Living

Conscious Consumption


How are you evolving and vibrating higher?




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There’s an awakening on the rise, one inquiring the needs of our collective wellness and well-being. Now being in between two worlds, we’re tasked with witnessing the long-lasting impacts of the individualistic motives and ways of the past in order to raise the vibration of our planet by way of piercing the veil of apathy. We’re walking a very thin line — learning when it’s time to listen, to act, to validate, or to rebel for the greater good of all. 

This is the delicate nature of empathy, where our conscious evolution hinges on how we balance the practice of empathy. Is it idealized or ridiculed? How is it applied when healing our individual wounds versus those of the Universal Mother and Father, both of which have no correlation with gender? 

Honoring the yin and yang within leads to the union, the healthy expression, the embodiment of patience without. Continuing on as we always have will only lead to greater divide, but when we stop to analyze the story of our evolution, then we can see that increasing our capacity for empathy — aka higher love, understanding, and consciousness — will lead to the harmonious union of the Divine Masculine & Feminine. 

Healing the Divine Feminine

For ages, the Divine Feminine has been undermined and chastised out of what some theorize as “cunt” envy. To put it into perspective, Emily Torres at The Good Trade beautifully defines the Divine Feminine as “the spiritual concept that there exists a feminine counterpart to the patriarchal and masculine worship structures that have long dominated organized religions. The concept is not that “men and women” are opposites, but that there exist complementary energies within each being that can be represented by various symbols and figures” ( Understanding how the Divine Feminine has been shamed and repressed can arm us with the truth behind her distortion. 

Healthy attributes of the Divine Feminine manifest as communicating authentically, vulnerably, and compassionately; being receptive; having firm boundaries; speaking shamelessly; intuitively listening and striving; having confidence and being confident with femininity; exuding sensuality; maintaining a steady flow with life, knowing when to surrender. Wounded feminine energies typically manifest as overgiving, neediness, insecurity, martyrdom/victimhood, manipulation, self-sacrificing, having a complete lack of boundaries, and so on (  We see this on a broader scale in society with essential workers and service-based industries being expected to give their all while they’re left to work unprotected in a global pandemic. We see this as misogyny and misogynoir are used to justify violence against the caretakers of our world. We see this as mental health and healthcare systems continue to collapse under the weight of the norms that say they should not exist. We see this as a planet that gives us nourishment and gets poison from us in return. Now that we see it, we must continue on as if we cannot unsee it.

Healing the Divine Masculine

Our society has been ruled by a flawed patriarchy for centuries, excluding introspection and the gift of true transformation by way of open collaboration. That’s not how the Divine Masculine, when in balance, actually operates or intends to lead. According to, “The Divine Masculine is what allows us to ‘do,’  to take decisive action, but not aggressive or angry action despite what we might assume. Instead, it is based on open, loving, and faith-based action.” Lower vibrations of masculine energy have resulted in the unreasonable justifications for pillaging the very fabric of our everyday lives. This is something we must always remember so as not to delay the process of our collective evolution.

The embodied divine masculine can manifest as non-judgment, humility/groundedness, leading with integrity, creating safe and secure environments, practicing willful discipline, accountability, reliability, serving the greater good, guiding to support and encourage, and listening without being on the attack. Wounded masculine energies can be expressed as competitiveness, defensiveness, selfishness, emotional detachment, egotism, righteousness, a fear of failure, aggression, overly attached to success, controlling or addictive behavioral patterns, being withdrawn or resistant, being hypercritical of feminine energies or counterparts and so on ( We see this in how the success of one comes before the protection of all. We see this in the dominance of one race over the natural, one human race. We see this in the love of power and the further oppression of the powerless. We see this in the exaltation of greed and status being put before the guaranteed security of basic human rights and necessities. Now that we are becoming more aware of the imbalances that exist, we must do our best to get back to center.

Empathy as the Benchmark

The key here, as we work to heal both archetypes simultaneously, is not to shame or add to pre-existing wounds. Let’s normalize destigmatizing the shame tied to our wounds and trauma as we shed light on them, enough so that they can be talked about and worked through.  

For example, toxic masculinity has become more well-known. As society works to escape the death grip of the patriarchy, it’d be hard not to notice how the rise of the feminine gets lost in the narrative. Not allocating the same space to honor the feminine and her healing will only silence her for so long. Shaming or ignoring our collective wounds and the distortion of both will be fatal to us all. 

Going forward

From this point going forward, we cannot afford to not heal ourselves from the inside-out, as the generations to come are counting on us to vibrate higher in the now. This means we’ll have to re-parent ourselves, unlearn unconscious biases, get to know our shadows, and become everyday practitioners of compassionate culture. Empathy will be where the line gets drawn in the sand. Empathy for the healing, relearning, the dismantling, and rebuilding. Because whether we want to evolve with it or not, divine healing is in order. Healing of the self and our social norms. Whether we want to evolve with it or not, Divine balance must be restored. We know healing can be more than one bargains for. That’s why we compiled over 60 free resources to help you do just that. Find them in our Natural Healing resource category here

Whenever you’re in need of additional support, we invite you to connect with our library of almost 600 free resources (+ counting) to aid your personal journey. Remember that you always have the power to vibrate higher while healing at your own pace. So be the alchemist, be a changemaker, be a generational curse breaker.

Do you prefer podcasts? Get the audio version of this journal entry here on the Seeds of Alchimie Podcast. Join us again next year for Season 2, where we plan to have intentional interviews and progressive conversations. In the meantime, be reminded that the project alchimie community is always here for you! You can meditate with us on our Gold Soul Affirmations podcast and join us for moon talks over on YouTube. Join the Alchimie Ascension tribe as well, if you want to continue this conversation or share in these aspects of ego death. If you want to connect with me more or follow my journey, find me here.