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Waking Up to White Supremacy: The Second Great Awakening Reckoning America

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More and more people in America are waking up to white supremacy, xenophobia, anti-blackness, bigotry, suppression, oppression, and to all of the isms; basically, citizens are waking up to everything the country was built on. It's a rude awakening that can be an opportunity for incredible growth.


13 Jan 2021


Society & Culture



How can you become more open to change and growth?





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I decided to deviate from what was originally planned for my next journal entry because white supremacists and terrorists attacked the U.S. capitol in response to the president’s consistent misinformation, negligence, and abuse of power. Therefore, the president’s word incited acts of terrorism that forced the world to see that there are two justice systems in America — all led, protected by, and rooted in white supremacy. White supremacy is the second great awakening reckoning America, and I thought to share some of my adjacent experiences to put certain stages of awakening into perspective.

I. The Rude Awakening

In the U.S. at least, the rude awakening has been larger groups of people waking up to white supremacy, xenophobia, anti-blackness, bigotry, suppression, oppression, to all of the isms; basically, citizens are waking up to everything the country was built on. There’s been an awakening to the fact that there’s rampant class inequality, nepotism, capitalism, a two-party system that’s fueled by money and greed, and partisanship that ultimately results in the death of the people; thus, resulting in their needs not being heard or fulfilled. 

This awakening has shown a majority of Americans the failed social systems that exist all across the country, that there is no fair and equal access, and that there seems to be a battle (or war) between tradition and intuition. It’s also been revealed how status and value are being put above social service as well as personal and collective health. Now, it’s very clear that status and value are being put above the mental health and well-being of individuals. There’s also been a massive awakening to poor policing, abusive policing, abusive security, selective protection, a lack of digital protection and safety, data mining, self-exploitation, corporate favoritism, privileged elitism as well as a suffering planet. 

It’s all come at the hands of a few catalysts that the people couldn’t have ever expected, starting with a global pandemic. The second catalyst being poor government response to not only said pandemic, but also poor government response to calls for equality.  Americans are also becoming more aware of all the double standards, social conditioning, and trauma (not just speaking of the personal traumas inflicted, but the generational traumas as well) that exist all throughout the country.

It brings me back to the mindset of my own awakening. In the beginning, I had to wake up to my contributions to cycles, patterns, to the fact that I had trauma, and how I needed to heal my traumas to become a positive influence in society. There was a complete contrast between myself and those around me. These individuals were choosing to ignore their traumas, the opportunity to break certain cycles, to even grow or change. There was a clear disconnect between us, and although that was happening, I couldn’t let that stop me. I wanted to see — see what needed to be fixed, to heal it, and I wanted to change. Those around me didn’t, which brings me to the next phase of awakening it seems to me that we’re in.

II. Resistance to Change

Much like my experience with those around me at the time, there’s this backlash that happens when a group of people, a person, or a force of nature acts as a mirror, leaving no other choice for others to acknowledge and see that change needs to happen. There’s often violence, gaslighting, deceit, hate, and grudges; or, those not wanting to change may sow seeds of doubt so that change cannot happen. 

Sometimes this resistance (even if just within ourselves) can show up as excuses, a refusal to take accountability, blame-shifting, manipulating, or avoiding doing the hard work altogether. At other times, it shows up as repeating cycles and patterns.

For example, this showed up in my journey as those around me refusing to grow, refusing to awaken to their unresolved traumas, current struggles, how they were connected, and how they were continuing to play out in their lives; therefore, impacting mine. They were choosing resistance. They didn’t want to change or put in the work to change. When I was acting as a mirror for them, their response was to discourage and sabotage my desires for change, seeking individuality, self-exploration, healing, and truth by using any recourse available. It’s not to say these individuals were evil or unjustified. They had unhealed wounds and unhealed pain. 

As I continued on with my spiritual journey and awakenings, I realized that I couldn’t fault these individuals for their unhealed wounds, for the use of their free will, or for the future they saw for themselves. While I wanted all of us to be on the same page and experience the journey together, I had to accept that I could NOT change them. I could NOT heal, fix, or bring them with me on my journey. Their journey was just that, theirs. Mine was mine, and respectively, yours is yours. 

We all get to choose whether we want to accept and welcome change into our lives. We all get to choose if we want to confront, sort through and rectify our wounds, which may very well hurt. Why? Because more often than not, there’s no template for that change. The other option is that we can choose to resist it altogether and act out of fear. Because from what I’ve learned, healing isn’t easy! Awakening isn’t easy! And sometimes, it’s far more enticing to ignore both the trauma and hard work that is required. So some choose to stay blind to the pain, the trauma, to the cycles, as well as blind to the hit their ego, their role, and perceived role in this world would take. Some choose to stay chained to the systems, traditions, to the way it’s always been. 

As we all saw in the summer, and after watching the U.S. capitol get attacked by terrorists who experienced a completely different definition of justice: white supremacy, anti-blackness, and racism won’t go away if we don’t take the time to be aware. White supremacy, anti-blackness, and racism won’t go away if the human race chooses to ignore them. They will persist if we as a collective choose not to adopt empathy; they will persist if we don’t choose to unlearn, correct, and educate ourselves about the trauma and damage that’s born of them. Respectively, the systems propped up by them won’t go away if allies refuse to learn and refuse to integrate the intricacies of allyship. 

We all have to be willing to do the work and be willing to let others do theirs. This sentiment goes for any mass or individual awakening, or at least that’s what I can speak on based on my journey. And with respect to this heavy topic, the BLM movement is just one example of how an awakening can result in sowing better seeds. So if you need a reminder of how you can affect positive change in the lives of others or just within your own healing journey, find resources here and join us in taking our BLM pledge.

III. The Growing Pains

The idea of oneness may come off as a hippie concept or spiritual dream, but with that, I think it’s important to: recognize and accept our differences as well as our individual motivations, experiences, etc.; because, how we express them does affect others. It does affect our collective vibration and experience. Unity and love of self is a new paradigm, a new cycle, a new foundation and fluidity that allows for the change that we need.

As we all wake up to the ways of the world that are rooted in white supremacy and contrasting that with my own spiritual awakening, it seems to me that we find ourselves in the middle of the growing pains. We’re learning how to navigate and recognize those feelings of resistance, as well as the challenge to stay committed to the task at hand. We’re feeling the call to implement reinstated or improved integrity while still learning that awakenings are messy! We, as a collective, are uncomfortable; yet, needing to accept the free will and sovereignty of another while accepting and mindfully using our own free will to do better, to yield better. 

Speaking from experience, it can be hard to accept that we are all sovereign beings with the ability to heal and make our own choices. It can be hard to accept that choosing not to make a choice to move, choosing resistance, is still a choice that every being has the right to make. We can only hope that no harm comes from those choosing action or inaction; however, every being’s journey, purpose, and awakening is unique unto themselves. It’s not up to anyone else to try to change, sabotage, or incite another’s. That’s their work to do, in their own time... if they so choose!

And as I learned, it does no good to try to help those who don’t want to be “helped” or don’t want to do the work themselves. Sometimes that’s the hardest lesson, learning that some people simply can’t and won’t come with us or that it’s not our job to be someone else’s wake-up call. Guess what? That’s okay! Even that realization is serving a purpose, too. We can hold space for others. In that, there's peace and acceptance — a non-duality and allowance. Holding space for others allows us to release our group conditioning, our attachment to duality — i.e. this good versus evil mindset. It allows us to release our attachment to ego-based cycles of unconscious living and generational karma.  Holding space allows us to take personal responsibility and accountability for our individual healing, self-expression, energy, and our own self-actualization. That introspection is needed, and that change is needed. 

To end this on a semi-high note, it all starts with us choosing change if we want to choose it. It starts with us not judging others if they don’t want that for themselves but holding them accountable if they’re inflicting pain and trauma unto others. Why? Because our generational healing and evolution boils down to a matter of empathy and awareness; or rather, the lack thereof. We have a choice. We have a say! What we choose will affect the outcome, and will affect generations to come. I now leave it to you and pose the following questions:  


  1. What does a free earth look like to you>

  2. How can you integrate elevated planes?

  3. How can you actualize higher love and consciousness?

  4. How can you practice more empathy and radical acceptance?

  5. Are you or do you feel threatened by opposing ideas, viewpoints, and non-congruent experiences? If so, why?

  6. What in your community, journey, or approach to life can be changed and/or reformed?

  7. How can you trust and become more open to change and growth?

Do you prefer podcasts? Get the audio version of this journal entry here on the Seeds of Alchimie Podcast. Join the Alchimie Ascension tribe, if you want to continue this conversation or share in these aspects of ego death. If you want to connect with me more or follow my journey, find me here.