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One thing that can change in the new year is how people choose to protect, provide, and unite.


19 Dec 2016




How are you advocating for change?

The crazy chain of events that occurred in 2016 leaves much room for improvement with the new year. 2016 has definitely been the year with the most questions and concerns for the future of our ethics, morals, educational and governmental structures, and overall care for humanity. This year has been a major test of human rights and environmental awareness, and I suspect that 2017 will be no different. One thing that can change in the new year is how people choose to protect, provide, and unite.

The year has seen a number of achievements — the first hijab-based collection seen at New York Fashion Week, and we saw Diana Ross each receive a Medal of Freedom (a pretty big deal). Yet, its setbacks will be hard to forget — the spread of hate in America, numerous cyberattacks, the destruction and devastation inflicted on war-torn areas, and the total disregard for human life for the spread of oil pipelines. It all can be a bit depressing to look back on, considering the bad outweighed the good this year... but we shouldn't lose hope! Those of us who care about these sorts of things can inspire change and help in several ways.

Donatingpetitioning, protesting, and volunteering are some of the most popular ways to spread love and show that fairness, equality, kindness, and basic human rights are more important than retweeting, gaining social media followers, or meeting the next internet sensation. The best way to evoke change is to take action, and it's pretty simple! Some may think it's more time-consuming than it actually is. It only takes five seconds to sign and share a petition, an hour to donate clothes or food to the needy, and one day out of the week to volunteer at a soup kitchen. The funny thing is, it's even easier than THAT

Look further into how you spend your time and money — do the establishments and businesses you frequent value their workers, communities, and suppliers? Will they let you donate a portion of your sale to an organization or shelter? Do they practice ethical manufacturing and trade? Do they value human and/or animal life? It's easy to forget all about these things when you want something immediately or are blinded by the lure of a luxurious lifestyle.

It's during times like these that I reflect on Gandhi's words, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." With the new year right around the corner, now is the time to reconsider and evaluate what is your place in the world, what your values are, and how you want to act on them! I, for one, have thought about these issues non-stop and how I can make a difference. In the new year, I plan to take action. Do you?