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Finding Purpose in the New Era

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In this day in age, spirituality is coming more to the forefront. It can seem like a trendy wave to ride, but when intuitively pursued, reconnecting with the universe and authentic self can reap plenty of rewards. One of those rewards being the discovery of your dharma, or true life purpose.


21 Jul 2021


Intentional Living



What does your heart want? 




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The call to find your life purpose may come at an inopportune time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The light is you, and your intuition will be the guide. If you find yourself trying to decode what your purpose is, here are some sure-fire ways to get in touch with what you were brought here on this Earth to do:

I. Go Within

Go within” is a hallmark mantra in the spiritual community. Some might say it’s become a cliché, but it’s a trustworthy grounding technique when feeling lost or unfulfilled. Retreating into your inner world can provide the answers you seek. Retreating may look like entertaining a social detox, journaling about your true desires, listing all of your interests and hobbies, or questioning yourself about the life or ideal path you envision. Partaking in guided meditations might help you identify subconscious answers and interests, much like with the Letting Go Guided Meditation by Jason Stephenson. Removing the extra noise or influence of others can lead to outstanding revelations and personal enlightenment; not to say they can’t be let in later.   

II. Awaken to Your Perceived Role

Take inventory of your life. Pinpointing your wants and how you want to thrive will help you become more aware of how you were taught and/or expected to show up in the world. It’s a conditioning that could’ve resulted in suppressing your authentic interests, self-expression, or aspirations. Awakening to it might look like drawing up a Venn diagram that compares how you’re currently showing up juxtaposed to how you’d like to show up—or what would feel more like an authentic expression of you, rather. Making lists that outline your skills and ongoing passions could also help you figure out how they’d apply or transfer to more aligned pursuits. Once you know more about your learned role, it becomes easier to determine if it’s one that you truly identify with or one you would like to transform. The keyword here is awakening. Understanding how you show up in society can lead to a massive breakthrough that opens the door to feeling capable and confident enough to pursue your self-motivated guidance. Coaches like Sahara Rose give unmatched advice when it comes to discovering your dharma, reconnecting with your core desires, and acting with integrity.

III. Choose Heart-centered Living

I define heart-centered living as letting your lead while your spirit guides, but it really means to lead a life that’s in alignment with your authentic self and values ( Your gut may be telling you that you’re a generational curse breaker, a natural healer, or you might just know that you’re meant to forge your own path. Most of us don’t know, however, because we learn that journeying on autopilot is the only way to travel. So much so that we rarely stop to check in with our true core to acknowledge the answers and options, especially those we aren’t aware of. It is okay to let your unadulterated heart speak, Beloved. And when you do, L-I-S-T-E-N closely. Heart-centered living could mean letting yourself entertain ideas and avenues that you would normally self-parent or self-shame into oblivion. It could also mean daring yourself to do the opposite: investigating your innocent wonderment; or, it could be as straightforward as asking yourself the question: what does your heart want? If this process feels strained, know that a cleanse, meditation, crystal healing, and color therapy can help relieve a blocked heart chakra or clue you into when it’s speaking and what it has to say. It’s worth the extra effort to unlearn automatic or “normalized” responses because what your heart wants is just as important as your daily routine. What your heart wants will lead you to be as authentic and true as you can be; what your heart wants is your key to freedom and whatever twists and turns may lie ahead. 

IV. Take Practical Steps Forward

By balancing the spiritual and physical self, you’ll be afforded the opportunity to hone in on what your “why” — aka your purpose — is. Finding your purpose is more than just saying or setting the intention that you will. Taking actual, applicable, practical steps will help you commit to moving forward with your life as you wish. One useful exercise to do is to create a mission statement for your life. Start by thinking of yourself as a brand or business. Then, sit with what the mission statement for that brand or business would be. Swap out the brand or business for yourself, thinking fondly of the answers to your why and how you’re going to invest in it. Follow that up by taking a second look at that Venn diagram you made for yourself. You know? The one that compares and contrasts your skills with your aspirations. Notice where and how they overlap with each other, and how they contribute to your existence on this Earth, in this realm, on this plane, in this lifetime! When you finally know your why follow up with another question of why. Think of your roadmap and way there as a tree with several branches coming off of it. Follow those branches all the way through and don’t be afraid to move with them. Don’t be afraid to crack open.

V. Let Go & Trust

With all the work you’ve done up until this point, take notice that you now have the blueprint for what you want and a plan for how to follow through with it. Now all that’s left is to trust. Release, let go, feel the fear & do it anyway. With your purpose in mind and legacy before you, now it’s time to:

  1. Trust in you

  2. Trust your intuitive nudges

  3. Trust your inner guidance and perspective

  4. Trust in your natural gifts and talents

  5. Believe in your path and trust the process 

  6. Know you are worthy of the fulfillment you desire

The more steps you take to call in your purpose, the more inner trust you cultivate. Let the trust you cultivate be your foundation! Because it's important to note that forging a new path, being a self-healer, following your gut instinct, and life purpose won’t be all about sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows. It’s a paradigm shift for you and all those around you. It’s a shakeup that requires you to be open, flexible, dedicated, grounded, and compassionate. You must continue to show up for yourself, for your purpose, and your personal mission statement, even if in the smallest of ways. Taking the leap requires you to embrace the unknown with a healthy dose of practicality, detachment, and faith. Trust in your ability to let go and surrender. Oh, and don’t forget to remain curious! 

So do the work — the inner work — to relearn yourself, restructure your beliefs, shift your intentions and reclaim your purpose. The art of going within is a delicate one at best. I thought I knew what my path would be and how it would look, but taking the time to truly reflect (to truly be the hermit) got me through the turbulence to see the Project Alchimie community on the other side. I’ve opened up about my eight-year-long spiritual journey on Patreon, so I invite you to connect with me there if you’ve found this entry to be helpful. With that, I send you on your way because you’re already on your way. Happy journeying, Beloved!

Do you prefer podcasts? Get the audio version of this journal entry here on the Seeds of Alchimie Podcast. Join the Alchimie Ascension tribe, if you want to continue this conversation or share in these aspects of ego death. If you want to connect with me more or follow my journey, find me here.