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Black Lives Matter

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Black lives matter—every day, in all ways, always. Systemic oppression, racism, colorism, ageism, ableism, sexism, tokenism, transphobia, and homophobia continues to plague every aspect of modern-day society. The trauma, discrimination, abuse of power and privilege, and resource-hoarding caused by this historic genocide ends now with higher love & consciousness.


1 Feb 2020


Society & Culture



How can we better support the black community?




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To All Black & Beloved:

take up space, even if you're scared

heal your trauma, even if you're scared

know your worth, even if it makes others feel threatened

unlearn self-hate, even if it is encouraged or aids in your success

To All Beloved Allies:

speak up, even if you're scared

check your privilege, even if you're scared

invest in reparations and justice, even if it makes you feel threatened

unlearn biases, even if it they are allowed or aid in your success